Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Perk Em Up!

Here's a great chest exercise with some core work sprinkled in. 

1. Bench Press Machine
(if you have to, you can use a step or even the floor)
2. Weighted Bar. 
Use only enough weight that you feel a burn after about 30-45 secs. So don't go heavy
NOT this much weight please. ;)

*Chest Exercise: 
You will perform the following 2 exercises for 3 rounds. If one minute is too long then you can ladder down. 1 min. 45 sec. 30 sec. Because this is timed, your goal is to get in as many reps as you can. Take only breaks that are long enough for you to regain your strength. 

1. Bench Press (1 min)
Hands are wide on the bar. Lower back stays pressed into the bench. Bench press at a rapid but consistent pace. Remember not to go too heavy because you're about to follow up with pushups. 

See Picture above

2. Pushups On Bench (1min)
Put your hands on the bench and do as many pushups as you can in one min. A lower option is to take it to the floor or come down on your knees.
Take a quick rest and repeat 2 more times


*Core exercise: 
This will keep the fire in your chest and work your abs AND give you cardio. Triple whammy

1. Windshield wipers (20 total/10 on each side)
Hold the bar above your chest with arms extended. Lift and lower your legs side to side.
Do what she is doing except you are on the floor and holding the bar above your chest

2. Mountain Climbers (30 sec to a min)
Repeat this 3 times.

You're golden!


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