Monday, October 24, 2011

Sea Turtle Surfer Gets Up, Walks the Plank, and Descends a Ladder


That's the title for today's workout. And you won't need the ocean cause your sweat is salty and your gonna get drenched! 

Ready? Sure you are 


A Mat

A Treadmill

A Step with one or two Risers on each side

2 Heavy Dumbbells

Get all of your equipment set up, so you can just move right into it your workout. The whole thing took me 30 mins

1. Warm up on the treadmill. Circle and stretch your arms out really good

2. Run FAST for 3 mins. I ran at 8 mph. This is not a jog or a sprint. It is a run that challenges you but you can last for 3 minutes

3. Walking Planks/Hovers
You know you love this picture

 Go over to your step and get in plank position with your feet on the step. You may want your mat underneath your hands. 
Starting with your right hand, drop down to your elbow on the right and then the left. Push back up with your right and then your left back into a plank. 
So it's basically moving from a plank to a hover over and over. 
Repeat 10 times leading with the right or until muscle failure

Modification is to have feet on ground or to be on your knees
Keep you butt down and hips square to the floor. 

4. Modified GET UPS on Step
This is what I want you to do except you are laying on a step so your knees are bent and feet are on floor. And because you are on a do not have to use your opposite arm to help you get up. Read description below

Lay on your step face up. Heels planted on the floor. Take a dumbell in your right hand and extend it directly above your chest. 
Now, keeping your arm extended get up into standing postition. In standing, your arm should be directly above your head. 
Repeat 10 times. Go Fast though. 
Make sure you breath where it really counts. 

5. Repeat all of the above on your left side

6. On your 3rd round, alternate hands on the walking plank and then on the get ups, extend both hands with both dumbells. 

7. Go back to the treadmill and run fast again for 3 mins

8. Sea Turtles on your step for 30 secs fast as you can without losing form.

Do this on your step. Extend your arms over your head as you bring your legs back together. Just imagine swimming through the sea like a turtle. Keep your chest and feet lifted the entire time. 

9. Then begin performing surfers alternating sides for 30 secs as fast as you can
Watch this video for a demonstration. 

10 Repeat 3 times

11. Go back to the treadmill and run fast for 3 mins

a. 1 min of each of the following then 45 sec of each then 30 sec of each
- Mountain Climbers
- Flutter Kicks
- Plank Jacks
- Scissors

If you're feeling like rockstar, go back up the ladder

13. 3 min Fast run on the treadmill

14. Cool Down

15. wipe off the sweat, drink some water, and call it a day!


  1. your workouts are why i need an iphone :)

  2. Girl! Go get a smart phone. Today!!! It will change your life.
    I need to learn how to upload videos without it taking an hour to upload one because if I can just do a video tutorial, it will be SO much easier.
