Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Water Flavor of the Day

How's the water challenge going? I ain't gonna lie...I am feeling FANTASTIC!!!

I wanted to share with you another way to flavor your water that has tremendous health benefits. I actually drink about 4 oz diluted in 4 oz of water in the morning. I usually take my vitamins with it. Today...I will add about 2 oz to my water with lemon. I pour my water from my gallon into a 20 oz water bottle.

Ok...drum roll please......................................


Why is this juice so fabulous?
This is an excerpt from the attached Website

Dr. Derek Stewart from the Scottish Crop Research Institute and The Black Currant Foundation has compiled the information in the chart below on his website,, comparing the health benefits and components of commonly consumed fruit. The information has been distilled from a wealth of scientific peer reviewed research articles and approved compositional food databases. Dr. Stewart concludes that, "black currants can claim to be the #1 Superfruit."

Enough Said! This fruit is amazing! You can find some at your local health food store and maybe even at your grocery store. This is a superfood you must consume every day!

Cheers to Health!!!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip! I do drink a long of water, but I will definitely be trying the lemons and black currant juice. Going to go cut a lemon up now! :)
